What to Expect at a Yearly Performance Review

The employee functioning review has received a lot of criticism in contempo years. Traditional employee appraisal processes accept been causing headaches for both managers and employees. And most employees believe performance reviews are non effective at driving operation.

There's still a place for the annual performance review. But success-driven organizations know information technology must be function of a bigger performance chat strategy.

Regardless of whether you're conducting an annual review, a quarterly review, or a monthly performance check-in, performance conversations can be difficult. Managers should attempt to create positive experiences that motivate employees and drive high performance.

Just creating that kind of feel is easier said than done.

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Understanding performance reviews

Earlier we dive into the tactical side of operation reviews, it'southward important to understand what a performance review is and why it is important. This volition give you lot the foundation y'all demand to beginning using operation reviews more finer in your organization.

What is a Functioning Review?

A operation review is a two-way, individualized conversation between a manager and an employee nearly functioning impact, development, and growth. It is a disquisitional component of an organization's overall functioning direction strategy.

Traditionally, functioning reviews take occurred once a yr and have focused on evaluating past functioning. Modern operation reviews should happen quarterly or monthly and should focus on driving and improving hereafter performance.

one. Know the elements of an effective performance review.

Performance reviews give employees and managers a gamble to discuss how employees are doing and how they tin can do better, together.

Done correct, they tin can engage and motivate employees to maximize and align their efforts. Done incorrect, they tin can ship employees downward a disengagement screw—and even decrease performance. How do you lot choose the right functioning appraisement method? Below are a few important elements to consider.

Performance reviews should happen frequently.

If you want to cultivate employee success, you must branch across the traditional, annual review. So much can modify in your organization or with your employees in i year. It's important to stay aligned and to keep advice going during those changes.

Nosotros recommend quarterly or monthly operation conversations, paired with a year-cease review of full general themes, notes, progress, and next steps. This allows managers and employees to stay on the same page most goals, progress, and operation. It also helps:

  • Employees understand exactly where they stand and what to do to meliorate
  • Managers provide real-time coaching and help overcome obstacles
  • Organizations benefit from a abiding flow of data on private and team operation

Many organizations are turned off past a quarterly or monthly performance review cadence considering it feels like a hefty time commitment. Just if yous're having frequent conversations, they don't need to be long, robust, or comprehensive to exist effective.

Operation reviews should be two-mode conversations.

Not only should performance conversations happen more than frequently—they should too be more than engaging. Managers and employees should every bit contribute to the conversation, and employees should be just as invested in the preparation as managers.

While in that location isn't a one-size-fits-all solution for all performance discussions, every conversation should promote trust, reduce anxiety, create clarity, and showcase alignment. And these conversations don't accept to be only nigh performance. They can accost:

  • Career growth and development
  • Engagement challenges
  • Alignment to organizational goals
  • Changes or key messages from senior leadership
  • Recognition
  • Peer feedback
  • Customer feedback

The Big Book of 350 One-on-One Meeting Questions

Functioning reviews should be future-focused.

Traditionally, operation reviews take centered around the past—how the yr went, what went well, and what didn't go well. Employees tin can't modify the past, so it's pretty disengaging to be evaluated on situations they accept no power to shape.

But employees do have the power to modify what happens in the future—and this is where the bulk of your performance conversations should focus. It's proficient to reverberate on the past, simply managers and employees should besides spend time looking forrard.

Performance reviews should exist transparent.

Functioning reviews can be feet-inducing—and ane of the best ways to reduce anxiety is to bring employees into the process early and involve them in the preparation and planning. Managers should work with each employee to create a clear, shared, and collaborative calendar with main points of word. Both parties should know exactly what to expect—there shouldn't exist any surprises!

Operation reviews should be objective.

Today we accept admission to mountains of data. At that place'south no excuse for subjective operation reviews anymore. Managers should come prepared with data from a variety of sources such as recent recognition, 360 caste feedback, talent review ratings, i-on-one notes, goal progress, and more.

Every argument made should be fueled by data—not past the manager'south personal opinion.

To recap, here are some key differences between traditional performance reviews and modern performance reviews.

Traditional Performance Review
Modern Performance Review
  • Held annually
  • 1-way conversations
  • Review past operation
  • Airtight-door policy
  • Little to no transparency
  • Based on subjective manager opinion
  • Result in a rating and minimal follow-upwardly
  • Held quarterly or monthly
  • Two-way conversations
  • Review recent performance and motorbus to impact, development, & growth
  • Open-door policy
  • Transparent and collaborative
  • Based on rich and real-time employee data
  • Conclude with side by side steps and follow-up

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2. Sympathise why the performance review is important.

The performance review has taken a lot of flak over the past several years. Many have touted the idea that performance appraisals don't work. But the reality is, performance conversations are a crucial role of the engagement and retention of employees.

Why are performance conversations important? Because they have a big impact on the success of your employees, teams, and organization as a whole.

How Functioning Reviews Touch Employee Success

Discussing functioning tin can be very stressful. It's tough for managers to requite feedback and even harder for employees to receive information technology. How organizations handle these conversations plays a huge role in an employee'south engagement and overall experience.

Performance conversations are perfect opportunities to brand or intermission trust. An open, honest, and regular dialogue helps to build trust among employees, managers, and the organization at large. Employees want to know—and deserve to know—exactly where they stand in terms of functioning.

Ongoing functioning conversations can boost employee success by:

  • Helping employees identify their needs, desires, and challenges
  • Cluing managers in on obstacles and decisions earlier they impact operation
  • Opening up opportunities to hash out feedback, celebrate recognition, and reinforce alignment

How Performance Reviews Impact Team Success

Performance conversations help managers evaluate team performance by giving them a clear picture of how each squad fellow member is performing. They'll know where the team is potent, where the squad needs aid or development, how to arrange goals, and the squad's potential to impact larger goals.

How Performance Reviews Bear on Organizational Success

If employees aren't aligned and on a clear path to their own success, organizations will have difficulty achieving of import goals and objectives. Performance conversations allow managers to connect employees to the bigger mission and goals of the system.

They as well give organizations the data they need to make important people decisions related to: compensation, promotions, development, part changes, exits, and more.

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How to prepare for a performance review

Managers should approach any functioning chat with thoughtful training and lots of information and examples. In this section, we'll hash out how to prepare for a performance review by:

  • Syncing performance review criteria, employee goals, and goal progress
  • Gathering employee data and examples
  • Preparing your notes and agenda
  • Finding the right time and identify for the performance review meeting
  • Setting expectations for employees

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3. Sync performance criteria, employee goals, and progress.

Managers and employees should accept a clear understanding of what constitutes good or poor performance—and this starts with organizations clearly communicating functioning criteria. Effective operation criteria should help managers and employees:

  • Measure affect
  • Define success
  • Prove that performance plans are working
  • Determine where to become side by side

Performance criteria and ratings can be difficult to address and digest. Managers should deed as interpreters of that data by adding qualitative context (such as goal progress or 360 feedback) to performance. They should approach performance reviews with a coaching mindset, highlighting and distilling information to make it easier for their employees to consume.

Managers tin also provide emotional support by non letting employees dwell on the negative—and instead focusing on what employees are doing well and uncovering opportunities to course correct. Each operation conversation is an opportunity to build trust by helping employees sympathise where they are, allowing them to share, and providing guidance on where they demand to go.

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4. Brand time and infinite for performance reviews.

Increasing the frequency of performance conversations in your arrangement might take some convincing—but the more frequently that you see, the more effective your conversations and performance will exist.

Finding fourth dimension is hard. And getting in the correct mental and emotional state tin can be even harder. Merely making performance reviews a priority means that employees volition experience heard, managers will bus more than effectively, and the system volition reap the results.

The environment you choose for your performance conversations has a big impact on the overall vibe of the discussion. With your workspace in mind, think about what message you will be sending based on the location, time, noise, and condolement level of your meeting infinite.

Hither are a few elements to consider when making time and space for your performance review:


  • Will your meeting take identify inside or exterior?
  • Will it be a airtight- or open-door coming together?
  • Are you lot able to take the coming together offsite or volition you stay in the role?
  • Can other people see your meeting in action?

Fourth dimension

  • How much time are you allotting to these conversations? 30 minutes? 1 hour?
  • Is the best opportunity to meet earlier, during, or after piece of work hours?
  • Can y'all meet over lunchtime, or is it better to encounter during regular role hours?
  • How much fourth dimension are yous allocating to each agenda particular?
  • Is this a good fourth dimension for you? For your employee?


  • Are your meetings conducive to loud and public, or more tranquillity and private spaces?
  • What other environmental factors are you dealing with in terms of racket?
  • Can other people run into or hear your coming together in activeness?
  • What distractions are present during the meeting?


  • Are y'all sitting in big, comfy recliners or traditional office chairs? Or are you standing?
  • Do y'all have admission to alternative scenery, similar the outdoors or an fine art infinite/mural?
  • Are you surrounded by papers and pens to expect at or a make clean desk?
  • Are you eating or drinking while meeting?

These elements are important, simply ensuring managers classify plenty of fourth dimension and capacity for these conversations is another challenge.

Take a page out of Fossil Group's book, and meet how they found the time and infinite to impact performance at every level of the organization.

How Fossil Group Made Time for Functioning Direction with "Performance Days"

Making Time for Performance Management

With then many shifting priorities and ambitious strategic objectives, Fossil Group knew they needed to do something special to brand functioning a priority for their teams. To ensure adequate time was made for important performance conversations and other functioning related activities, Fossil Group implemented "Performance Days."

Performance Days are strictly dedicated to employee performance. No task-related meetings are scheduled, and all work is set aside for the day. Conversations between managers, employees, and teams are all centered on performance.

Learn how Fossil Group simplified its performance management process: Download  the ebook: Making Time for Performance Management >>>

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5. Assemble employee data and examples.

Functioning conversations used to be based on subjective director opinions. Merely in today's data-driven earth, that shouldn't be the case.

Managers should approach performance conversations with rich employee data from a variety of sources. This data should help guide the conversation and build a more meaningful human relationship betwixt manager and employee. Bring information and examples from:

  • Engagement survey responses
  • Notes from 1-on-1 meetings
  • Examples of recognition
  • Recent feedback from pulse surveys
  • Talent review ratings
  • Previous performance conversations
  • Hiring documents
  • Strengths and work style tests
  • Input and 360 degree feedback from other managers or colleagues

All of these are dandy means to shed light on a variety of unlike aspects of an employee's functioning. The more information you lot tin can provide to add context to any hard or even positive discussions, the more real your conversations will exist. By leveraging performance criteria, an employee'due south opinion of perceived fairness of performance review results will be all the more authentic instead of leaving a bitter taste in their mouth.

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6. Set notes and calendar.

No one enjoys walking into a coming together blindly. Operation conversations are no exception. In order to give managers and employees the best opportunity to have a meaningful chat about performance, both parties should work together to prepare a shared agenda and notes with central talking points.

This will relieve some of the anxiety effectually the conversation and will requite employees a chance to contribute their thoughts and prepare for the meeting. It also allows employees to adapt the calendar to fit their needs. When employees are encouraged to bring topics they want to talk over, managers can focus on actively listening rather than lecturing.

Your meeting agenda should also include the fourth dimension and location in which yous are meeting, as well equally whatsoever ancillary information to support the chat.

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7. Align on expectations for your employees.

Performance conversations are sometimes hard. When employees aren't achieving goals or objectives, these meetings can aid determine why and how to aid an employee improve. Start off on the right human foot past aligning on expectations for the meeting itself. Here are a few tips:

  • First, an employee should know their role in preparing for the meeting. They should review the agenda, add together topics they'd similar to encompass, and know where and when the coming together will take place.
  • Second, employees should know what to bring to the meeting and what information might exist referenced or pulled into the discussion from the managing director's side.
  • Finally, employees should have a clear idea of what their responsibilities will be after the meeting and how their manager plans to help them succeed.

Above all, managers and employees should accept a shared understanding of what good performance looks like. When necessary, managers should provide clarity around each employee's part and how the organization perceives their contributions. By aligning expectations with your organization's established performance criteria, your employees won't experience misguided or alarmed when their review begins.

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How to conduct a operation review

The 3rd pace to executing an effective functioning conversation is conducting the performance review meeting itself. This section volition overview:

  • Why it's important to review past operation and focus on futurity success
  • Asking the right questions
  • Choosing the right phrases
  • Being a proficient listener
  • Ending the conversation with agreed upon side by side steps

8. Reverberate on the past but focus on the future.

Traditional performance reviews focus on past behavior and functioning. While acknowledging past performance is important, if that's the merely thing yous talk about in a performance review, you're not going to bulldoze future operation.

Performance conversations should give employees an opportunity to accost and correct performance in existent-fourth dimension and continuously encounter how their work aligns with organizational goals.

Future-focused performance reviews besides marshal with employee wishes for more feedback and development opportunities. Employees want immediate feedback so they tin improve performance on-the-go, rather than waiting for their almanac performance review. They also want to know you lot intendance about their future—whether that's with your arrangement or non.

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9. Inquire the right functioning review questions.

Request (and inviting) the correct performance review questions is disquisitional. The right questions help go along you lot focused on the topics that are important to your employees' and organisation's success.

Pro Tip: Use a functioning review template that invites honest, genuine feedback and uncovers actionable means to meliorate performance.

Hither are a few good questions to ask in a functioning review:

  • What achievement(s) from the last quarter are you nigh proud of?
  • What goals do you take for the next quarter?
  • What evolution goals would y'all like to set for the adjacent 6 months?
  • What obstacles are standing in your fashion?
  • What affect has your functioning had on the squad? The organization?
  • How can I improve as your manager?

Managers who arroyo performance conversations with an evaluation mindset may brand employees feel like they're on trial. Ask these questions to shift your mindset from judge to motorcoach. And always encourage employees to ask questions of you. Past coaching your employees and inviting them to contribute to the conversation, yous can work together to assistance them attain their goals.

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x. Cull your phrases carefully.

Your words behave a lot of power. They tin can be motivating to your employees or completely deflate their work and value. When meeting with your employees you'll want to exist thoughtful, considerate, and have the time to prepare.

While there are many means you could approach a performance conversation, what not to say in a performance review is just, if not equally, as important every bit what to say.

Here are a few tips for choosing effective performance review phrases:

  • Apply specific language
  • Use measurement-oriented language
  • Use powerful action words
  • Stay positive and constructive
  • Focus on solving problems
  • Focus on opportunities for growth
  • Focus on the individual and avert bias
  • Treat good functioning with respect

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eleven. Be an agile listener.

Performance conversations should exist two-way, so make sure you lot're facilitating a dialogue and really listening. Listening to your employees helps you learn and empathise rather than simply give someone equal talking time. Ask follow-up questions to assistance yous dig deeper and pigment a fuller movie.

Using emotional intelligence, yous can tap into your and others' emotions. Seek to sympathize how the other person may be feeling, and work to keep your emotions in check if needed.

Finally, participating in the conversation isn't always about sharing your point of view. Afterwards an employee shares their feedback, repeat dorsum what you heard. This gives you the opportunity to check that you accurately understood what the other person said. If you're spending your listening fourth dimension preparing your response, then you lot're non actually listening to the other person.

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12. Wrap up the conversation with agreed upon adjacent steps.

A operation chat shouldn't finish when the meeting is over. After the conversation concludes managers and employees should review notes, define next steps, and follow upward with shared comments and feedback. Without these items, performance conversations feel unresolved. If you lot want your review to actually better performance, creating an action programme is vital.

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How to follow up after a performance review

The terminal step to executing an effective review is the employee performance follow-upwards. After the meeting ends, employees volition need connected back up to achieve the goals you've created together. Keeping the conversation going and maintaining an open-door policy will ensure your employees feel supported and gear up for success.

xiii. Keep the conversation going.

Performance conversations should happen regularly. When your coming together concludes, put the next performance conversation on the calendar. Better yet, schedule a series of conversations throughout the year. Whether these meetings occur quarterly or monthly, setting a regular cadency shows y'all are invested in your employees' continued growth and development.

Even if your organization hasn't made the switch to more regular conversations, it tin be helpful for managers to found an admissible policy with employees so that they feel comfortable discussing their functioning all year long. Pairing this policy with one-on-ane meetings and pulse checks throughout an employee's lifecycle is a good way to move toward a continuous performance chat model.

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Bonus Tip! Observe the right performance review software to make reviews easier.

Searching for a way to motivate and align your teams' performance? Find a tool to help do the heavy lifting. Wait for performance review software that features:

  • Piece of cake-to-use tools that make regular performance conversations elementary and constructive
  • Collaboration and transparency with a shared agenda template that is built together
  • Ability to converse and take notes inside 1-on-1s
  • Ability to pull in of import information like goal progress and feedback
  • All-time practice templates
  • Custom template creation to fit your culture and team

Constructive performance conversations are an essential role of your functioning management strategy. Your functioning management software should help you get there.

Navigate your next employee performance review without breaking a sweat! Our Operation Review Checklist will help yous effectively ready for, facilitate, and follow-upwards on your operation conversations.

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Source: https://www.quantumworkplace.com/future-of-work/13-performance-review-tips-that-actually-improve-employee-performance

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